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CodeRAT Malware Source Code Published online on GitHub

Researchers at SafeBreach noted a remote access trojan called CodeRAT, which is capable of a range of malicious activities once deployed into the targeted...
Australian Police Arrested Imminent Monitor RAT Developer

Australian Police Arrested Imminent Monitor RAT Developer

Years after tracking, the Australian Federal Police have finally arrested the maker of Imminent Monitor RAT - who is an Australian aged 24 years. The...
PowerPoint Based Information Stealing Email Campaign in Wild

PowerPoint Based Information Stealing Email Campaign in Wild

Researchers from Netskope’s Threat Labs have documented a PowerPoint-based information-stealing campaign, that's been in wild since late last year. Threat actors here are seen dropping...
DarkWatchman: A Lightweight and Stealthy RAT With Keylogger

DarkWatchman: A Lightweight and Stealthy RAT With Keylogger

Researchers at Prevailion have discovered a new remote access trojan named DarkWatchman, which can form backdoors, dump payloads, and steal information from the targeted...
Agent Tesla Updated Version is Now Distributed Through Phishing Emails

Agent Tesla Updated Version is Now Distributed Through Phishing Emails

Researchers at Fortinet have discovered a new campaign where a new version of Agent Tesla malware is being distributed. The old malware's new version has...
Telegram Features is Used to Operate New Data Stealing RAT

Telegram Features is Used to Operate New Data Stealing RAT

Security researchers have surfaced a new Remote Access Trojan (RAT) called T-RAT, that's been circulating widely in a Russian-speaking hacker forum. While it's cheap...
Mikroceen RAT is Hacking into High‑Profile Networks in Central Asia

Mikroceen RAT is Hacking into High‑Profile Networks in Central Asia

A Remote Access Trojan was found to be attacking governments and high-profile companies in Central Asia since 2017. This was technically detailed by security...
NetSupport Manager RAT Installed Via Norton LifeLock Phishing ScamNetSupport Manager RAT Installed Via Norton LifeLock Phishing Scam

NetSupport Manager RAT Installed Via Norton LifeLock Phishing Scam

A new phishing campaign is targeted towards few by the name of Norton LifeLock and dumping malware payload after achieving access. The attack starts...