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Tag: Phishing Campaign

An Active Voter Registration Based Email Phishing Campaign in Wild

Reports from two email security firms reveal that a group of sophisticated phishing attackers is sending fake emails to citizens to steal their data....
Emotet Gang has risen again

Japan, New Zealand and France Warn About Rise in Emotet Attacks

Noticing the sudden surge in Emotet attacks, cybersecurity agencies of Japan, France and New Zealand has issued warnings to government agencies and companies to...
Google AdSense Scam: Publishers Extorted Bitcoins For Avoiding Fake Traffic

North Korean Hackers Targets US Defense and Aerospace Sectors Via Phishing Attacks

McAfee cybersecurity team has published a report yesterday, where it specifies the US aerospace and defence employees are being targeted by North Korean hackers....
Trickbot Malware

Trickbot Malware Spreading Through Fake “Black Lives Matter” Phishing Campaign

Abuse.ch discovered a new phishing campaign that's cashing on the current Black Lives Matter movement. Attackers here are sending fake emails claiming to be...
BazarBackdoor Malware

BazarBackdoor: New Backdoor Malware Attacking Corporates via Phishing Campaign

A new malware phishing campaign has been found in the past two weeks, which intends to set a backdoor in corporate networks. BazarBackdoor, as...