Measurement is an important part of daily life. We always need to measure something or other. But it can be difficult if we don’t always carry measurement tools with us.
But sometimes, we are in a situation where taking accurate measurements becomes necessary. In such situations, measurement apps may prove helpful.Â
There are different kinds of these apps available for download. However, you must note that even the best measuring apps may not be as accurate as a measuring tape, but they will give a decent estimate of the distance or length of what you need to measure.
Finding a suitable measurement tool may be time-consuming, so we have made a list that will help you find your required measurement app.
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1. GPS Field Area Measure
The GPS field area measure is one of the most useful measuring apps for Android and iOS. It uses GPS data to measure the distance of an area. The app is easy to use as users only have to enter the starting and ending points, and GPS Fields Area Measure will do the rest.
You can also measure travel distance from one point to another. However, the measurement done by GPS Field Area Measure may not always be accurate.
Price: Free and Paid
2. Smart Measure
It is an intelligent measuring app based on artificial intelligence technology. Smart Measure uses your smartphone camera to detect the actual measurement of different things. For example, you can measure distance and height with this app.
The best part of Smart Measure is that it is easy to use and gives entirely accurate results. But if you are trying to measure something serious, we would not recommend using this app.
Price: Free and Paid
Download Android | Pro Version
3. Ruler
If you urgently want a nifty ruler but don’t have one near you, the Ruler app can turn your smartphone into one. This app allows you to measure length in cm, mm, inches, feet, and more. Moreover, the app has four different modes: point, line, plane, and level.
Additionally, the Ruler app also works as a unit converter that can convert one unit to another. Ruler is available for both Android and IOS devices for free download.
Price: Free and Paid
4. Laser Level
This is an excellent measurement app equipped with a laser pointer to measure the ground level. The Laser Level app uses acceleration and a gyroscope for perfect measurement, in addition to a laser pointer.
In addition, the app has a clinometer function that measures angles and flatness. The app is available for free download from the Play Store; however, it offers in-app purchases.
Price: Free and Paid
Download Android
5. Measure – AR
It is a dedicated measuring app for iOS users that uses your iPhone’s camera to give perfect measurements. Using Measure—AR is simple: You just have to pin the two points to measure the length between them. Moreover, the application also allows you to calculate the area and perimeter of a figure or plot.
Another unique feature that you will get with this app is spirit level. The spirit level tells you if the objects in your house are perfectly leveled or not.
Price: Free and Paid
Download iOS
6. RoomScan Pro
If you want to take measurements of an existing image of any room, building, or plot, RoomScan Pro will be a handy option. Unlike the other apps in the list, RoomScan Pro is not a real-time measurement tool; it uses pictures to do everything. However, this feature makes using the app convenient, as it is impossible to capture live images every time.
According to user experience, RoomScan Pro’s measurement is accurate and presents the result in different units, such as centimeters and meters. Moreover, the app automatically compensates for any possible perspective distortion.
Price: Free and Paid
Download iOS
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7. Angle Meter 360
This is a unique application that lets you measure angles using your smartphone. The app uses your smartphone camera and simple geometric algorithms to display the angle overlays. Angle Meter 360 doesn’t use any fancy techniques. Therefore, you can consider it an accurate tool that will act like a Protector from your geometry box.
However, the app is only available for iOS devices, and Android users may have to look for something else.
Price: Free and Paid
Download iOS
8. Google Maps
Google Maps may not be a conventional measurement app, but still, you can consider it for its distance measurement features. For example, you can measure the distance and perimeter of an area from your present location by searching it on Google Maps.
It also shows the distance between two points by setting pointers. The main reason to use Google Maps is its accuracy. Satellite imaging can be trusted blindly for the branding of Google.
Price: Free and Paid
9. AR Ruler
Feature-wise, AR Ruler is one of the best measurement apps for Android and iOS. Using it, you can measure any object you see in front of you. The app provides measurement linear sizes in cm, m, mm, inches, feet, and yards.
Moreover, using AR Ruler is as easy as taking a photo; you just need to fix the camera into the object from top to bottom to get its measurement. However, the app has got excellent user interface for easy use.
Price: Free and Paid
10. Distance and Area Measurement
If you are looking for distance measurement apps that work flawlessly, then the Distance and Area Measurement Android app should be on your phone. The app has been downloaded millions of times with a 4.0 rating on Play Store.
To get started, open the app and start walking around the area; once you cover the area, the app will show the distance. Also, it will show the path length within a minute. Best of all, a handy distance measurement app that makes your measurement task easier.
Price: Free and Paid
Download Android