Tag: SolarWinds
US DoJ: SolarWinds Hackers Accessed Email Accounts of 27 Attorney’s Offices Employees
The US DoJ revealed that Office 365 email accounts of employees at 27 US Attorney's offices were beached in the SolarWinds attack last year.
SolarWinds Hackers Are Selling Stolen Data of Microsoft for $600,000
Hackers of SolarWinds have now shown up with a website to sell the data they had stolen from the hack earlier. They put up...
Microsoft Admits SolarWinds Hackers Viewing Their Source Code Through Compromised Internal Accounts
The Solorigate incident has been shaking the cybersecurity community since the last month. With many companies reputedly being infected with this malicious
SolarWinds update, Microsoft...
US Govt Agencies Infected in a Supply Chain Malware Attack
In a supply chain attack disclosed recently, the US Treasury and NTIA were infected with a compromised software update from SolarWinds. This attack was...