Are you missing valuable content, industry updates, long-form case studies, and job opportunities on LinkedIn for lack of time? Don’t worry; LinkedIn allows you to save posts and view them later.

But if you’re not sure how to save and find saved posts on LinkedIn, then we have some solutions to save you time. Whether you’re running a company or an individual, LinkedIn is probably the best platform for you to showcase your brand with other professionals.

How to Save Posts on LinkedIn

You might already know how to save posts on LinkedIn; in case you don’t, we have shared how we can save valuable posts on LinkedIn desktop and mobile.

1. PC or MAC

LinkedIn has roughly equal numbers of users on both mobile and desktop, unlike any other social media network, which is not used on PCs to the same extent. Thus, you should know how to save posts on LinkedIn on a desktop PC or MAC.

  1. First, visit LinkedIn on your desktop or MAC web browser, and sign in to your account.sign in to linkedin
  2. By default, you are on your LinkedIn feed, now click on the three horizontal dots of the post you want to save to view later and select post linkedin desktop

2. On Mobile (Android and iOS)

Since LinkedIn has a consistent user interface across mobile OS, navigating it is super easy. Follow this:

  1. Launch your LinkedIn app on your Android or iOS.
  2. Now tap on three vertical dots of any post, and select the Save post linkedin mobile app
  3. The post or item will be saved right away.

How to Find Saved Posts on LinkedIn on PC or MAC

Here in this section, we will know a few methods to view saved posts on Linkedin using a PC or MAC.

1. Using My Items

This is the easiest way to see saved posts on LinkedIn.

  1. Visit LinkedIn on MAC or PC.
  2. Then, look at the left pane windows, and click on My on My items
  3. Now click on saved posts and articles to scroll through all of your saved posts.find saved posts and jobs on Linkedin using my items

2. Using Resources

  1. Visit LinkedIn and click on Me > View Profile.View Profile
  2. Scroll down, under the Resource section click on Show all resources.Show all resources
  3. Here click on the My items
  4. Then click on Saved posts and articles.

3. From Jobs Section

  1. As usual, hit on your browser, and click on the Job.
  2. Then, click on My jobs
  3. Now you can view all saved items on LinkedIn.

4. View LinkedIn Save Post Directly using the Link

Numerous people love to be lazy and jump directly into the saved posts section without going through the steps. If you’re one of them, then visit LinkedIn saved post on your preferred web browser. You will land on the saved posts section on LinkedIn.

How to View LinkedIn Saved Posts on Android and iOS

Many mobile users may face difficulties in finding saved posts on Android and iOS. This is why, in this section, we will let you know where to find saved posts on LinkedIn Mobile regardless of your mobile OS.

  1. Open the LinkedIn app on your Android and iOS mobile and tap on Profile Picture > View profile.view linkedin profile on mobile
  2. Scroll down and tap on Show all 5 all resources on mobile
  3. Then tap on My Items.My Items on mobile
  4. Now, click on Saved Posts and Articles to read all saved posts.Saved Posts and Articles mobile

How to Unsave Posts on LinkedIn

Now that you know how to see LinkedIn saved posts, in case you need to unsave a few posts, then this section is for you.

  1. Visit the Saved post and articles section on LinkedIn using any shared method above.
  2. Once you’re there on the post list, click three dots of any post and select Unsave.Unsave Posts on LinkedIn

Final Words

LinkedIn offers a convenient approach to view any post at your convenience, saving you time and allowing you the freedom to engage with valuable content accordingly.

That’s it – this is how you save and find saved posts on LinkedIn. However, if you’re struggling to do it, let us know your problem in the comment section.