Just when the Android community is mourning over the death of the Skyline Emulator, the Yuzu team came up with their special app for running Nintendo Switch games on your Android phone.

Interested users can download the app right away from Google Play Store, provided that you’re having a high-end smartphone. Most games tested on the Yuzu Android emulator worked fine, while some had glitches.

Nintendo Games on Android

For a long time, the Skyline Emulator has been the only reliable solution for playing Nintendo Switch games on Android phones. But with recent threats from Nintendo, Skyline developers had to retreat and drop their development.

This led to the rise of the Yuzu team – another emulator maker of Nintendo Switch games for PC. The team has just announced a new Android app to let users play Switch games on suitable Android phones.

Well, Yuzu is a go-to emulator for anyone trying to play Nintendo Switch games on a high-end PC. So we assume its new Android emulator too, would be as reliable as its PC counterpart.

Interested users need to have a smartphone with at least a Snapdragon 865 chip in it, with Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 as the minimum preferred option. Other requirements include an 8GB of RAM and Android 11 OS. Further, you should have suitable GPU drivers that support certain Vulkan extensions.

Well, Google Play Store will determine your device’s capability even before letting you download the app. So don’t think much about its compatibility and find the app in the Play Store to see how good you are.

The secret sauce to running Switch games on your phone is to find the right tools to make it happen. If you’re unsure, join the Yuzu Discord stream to know more details. You’ll mostly be suggested to Turnip GPU drivers, as the Yuzu app officially supports them.

If not these, you can always update your default drivers coming with Adreno 700 – which should work as expected. If you’re ready with all these, get started with the Yuzu Early Access – which requires a one-time payment to get early updates of new features. Or, you may go with the regular Yuzu app.


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