If youโ€™ve downloaded and installed FileLinked on your Firestick, you need to know some codes that help you get the latest apps and enjoy your favorite program without spending a single penny.

But, itโ€™s not easy to find some genuine codes because many codes are illegal to use. But, since we have an expert team, our team finds out some FileLinked codes that we have mentioned here in this guide. So, if you are looking for such codes, read the guide till the end.

What is FileLinked?

FileLinked, formerly known as Android admin, is a file-sharing app that allows you to side-load tools for Firestick and other Android devices, such as Android TV.

However, it can share all types of files such as videos, photos, music, apk files, etc. You can use this on several devices such as Firetv 2nd and 3rd generation, Firetv Stick 4K, Firetv Cube, etc.

What is FileLinkedSo, using the Filelinked service, you can also upload an apk file on OneDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, etc., for others. Then, you need to create your account on FileLinked to get a code for the URL of that particular apk. Not only that, but you can also share a bulk of files with a single code. Moreover, it is very easy and simple to use, so you can try it out.

Also Read- FireDL Codes List For Firestick

List of Some Best FileLinked Codes (2024)

There are many codes available on Google from different users. But, here, we have mentioned some of the most and best apk codes. Therefore, make sure to read and use them:

Filelinked Codes PIN What You Get
71074057 3580 KODI 18.9 Leia
36686561 2134 Cinema HD
21571869 0908 Live NetTV
34095224 4411 Weyd
92667169 3434 Morpheus TV
67533639 3311 CatMouse
11147448 2244 Mouse Toggle
95811214 3344 Peacock TV
13211595 1122 Syncler
66138567 4411 Ola TV

Some Additional Codes:

Filelinked Codes PIN What You Get
74513484 None Contains best Applications for FireStick.
22222222 4754 All Sorts of Apks
91195389 None Kodi Builds For 17.6 Krypton
80409018 None Kodi 18 to 18.5 Builds and More.
17779393 None Contains Hundreds of Apps Without any Ads.
74238464 None Huge Platform of Streaming Apps
38069272 None For those who want Apps for FireStick.
47603928 None Best For Android Applications
78933681 9999 For Movies & TV Shows Applications
70510862 9999 Apps & Tools Compatible with FireStick
29834673 None Contains too many apps in English and Spanish
30612263 None Contains the same and new apps from JM_tvbox
13131313 4545 Media Players & Streaming Apps.
80454071 None Best For streaming Applications
86666282 4242 IPTV, Paid TV Channels, and so on.
39347794 4242 Contains some important files.
76115743 None Contains many useful applications.
88897031 None It contains emulators and Roms
44427643 None It has around 100+ Kodi Repositories & Wizards
55621089 None Best for IPTVs, contain many apps used with Amazon Fire Stick.
74129627 None 1000+ Applications for Streaming free of cost.
44427643 None A Huge List of Kodi Builds and Repositories.
63106618 7777 For Streaming Apps.
88897031 None Contains a lot of Retro Games.

How To Use These Codes on Amazon Firestick

So, now you know about codes, but how will you use these codes on your Amazon FireStick? Well, donโ€™t worry! We have mentioned the necessary steps to use the codes here.

  1. Firstly, launch theย FileLinkedย and navigate to theย Settingsย option.FileLinked Settings
  2. After that, to avoid valuable notifications, toggle the button located in front of Show Hints and Useful Information.Show Hints and Useful Information
  3. Then, copy and paste any of the mentioned codes and hit theย Applyย button.Copy Paste FileLinked Code and Click Continue Button
  4. ย Now, the FileLinked will redirect you towards theย server.ย Then, youโ€™ll see if a message โ€œWelcome to Fire Stick Lab Store,โ€ but only if enabled by the provider. So, hit theย dismissย button to proceed further."Welcome to Fire Stick Lab Store,"
  5. After that, select theย applicationย that you want to download and press theย Okย button using the remote. Select Application from FileLinked
  6. To launch the installer window, hit the Open (Play)ย button and click on theย installย button.Filelinked app install

Thatโ€™s it. Your Fire Stick TV will automatically download and install that application. You can follow the same procedure for the other codes.ย 

Is FileLinked Safe or Legit To Use?

We have described everything about FileLinked, but many users still have questions or doubts about whether using this service is legal. Well, in my personal opinion, FileLinked is a one hundred percent legal and legitimate service.

This is illegal because itโ€™s just a website that allows you to convert your long URL into a much shorter code. I know why people are getting confused about this platform because all they know about the DroidAdmin, but that is what FileLinked was previously named as. So, both platforms are the same.ย 

From Authorโ€™s Desk

So, now you are familiar with all the FileLinked codes you can use on your Amazon Fire Stick TV. We hope that all the codes work for you. However, if any code is not working, or you need more information regarding the topic, please comment below and let us know.ย 


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