If you have been a Windows user, you might have already heard of the Blue Screen of Death error. This error is encountered on Windows 11 Insider build, so stable build users may never encounter it. The Green Screen of Death is quite similar to the BSOD (or Blue Screen of Death) but faced on Insider builds.

There are various reasons you may encounter Windows 11 Green Screen of Death. All the information, including the error code, is displayed on the error screen, and you can get more information about the error with the help of that error code.

The reason behind facing the Green Screen Of Death may be different for each error code, and the fixes may vary depending on the reason you are facing the issue.

If you are looking for troubleshooting steps to fix the Windows 11 Green Screen of Death error, this article will help you. In this article, we will be discussing some general troubleshooting steps to fix Windows 11 Green Screen Of Death.

Fix Windows 11 Green Screen of Death Error

1. Disconnect Peripherals

You may face the Green Screen Of Death because of malfunctioning or unsupported devices. You should try disconnecting all the unnecessary peripherals connected to your PC and then check if you still face the issue or not.

2. Update Drivers

You may face the issue because of the outdated drivers. You should try updating your drivers and then check if it fixes the issue or not. To update the drivers, follow the steps given below-

  1. Press theย Windowsย key to open the Start Menuย on your PC. In theย Start Menu, search forย Device Manager andย open it.Device Manager
  2. Now, double-click on the device to open up the list.
  3. Select the hardware whose drivers you want to update. Right-click on it, and then click onย Update Driver.ย Next, click onย Search automatically for driversย to update the drivers from the internet.Update Driver
  4. Do the same for all the other drivers.

You can either download the drivers from the official website of your hardware and install them. In the case of a laptop, head to the official page of your laptop, download the drivers from there and install them.

3. Update Windowsย 

Another troubleshooting step to follow is updating the Windows. Outdated Windows or pending updates are also why you may face the Windows 11 Green Screen Of Death. To update Windows, follow the steps given below-

  1. Open theย Settingsย app on your PC by pressing theย Windows + Iย key combo.windows 11 settings
  2. Head to theย Windows Updateย section from the left sidebar of the settings app.
  3. Now on the right side, click onย Check for Updatesย button.Check For Updates
  4. After doing so, download and install all the updates you find and restart your PC.

This should most probably fix the issue you face, and if not, you can move to the next troubleshooting step in this article.

4. Run SFC And DISM Scan

SFC and DISM scans help fix errors on your PC due to corrupted files or system images. You should first try running the SFC scan, and if it doesnโ€™t fix the issue, you should go for the DISM scan. To run the SFC scan, follow the steps given below-

  1. Open theย Start Menuย by pressing theย Windowsย key. In theย Start Menu,ย search forย CMD. Right-click onย Command Prompt,ย and then click onย Run as Administrator.ย 
  2. In theย Command Prompt,ย type the commandย sfc /scannowย and hitย Enter. sfc/scannow
  3. Now, wait for the process to complete and restart your PC.
  1. After running the SFC scan, you should no longer face the issue. However, if you still encounter green screen issues, you should try running the DISM scan. To run the DISM scan, follow the steps given below-
  1. Firstly, run theย Command Promptย with administrative privileges. You can do so by following the steps given in this article.
  2. In the Command Prompt, type and execute the following commands one by one.
    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

    DISM online cleanupDISM check windows 11

  3. After running the above commands, restart your PC and check if you still encounter the issue.

5. Uninstall Apps

If you started facing this issue after installing an app, that app might probably be the reason behind you facing the issue. You should try uninstalling the app you installed to fix the issue.

  1. Open theย Settingsย app on your PC by pressing theย Windows + Iย key combo.
  2. Now on the left sidebar of theย Settingsย app, click on theย Appsย tab, and then on the right side, click on Apps & Features.Apps & features
  3. Now, search for the app you recently installed. Click on theย three ellipses (three dots)ย next to it and click onย Uninstall.Uninstall - Apps & Features
  4. When asked to confirm uninstalling the app, confirm it, and you will be good to go.

6. Uninstall Windows Update

If you started facing this issue after updating your Windows, you should try uninstalling the Windows Update. To uninstall the Windows update, follow the steps given below-

  1. Press theย Windows + Iย key combo, which will open the Settingsย app on your PC.
  2. Now, in theย Settingsย app, head to theย Windows Updateย section from the left sidebar, and then on the right side, click onย Update History.Update HistoryWindows update - Update History
  3. On the next window, click onย Uninstall Updates.uninstall updates
  4. Next, select the update you recently installed, and then click onย Uninstall.uninstall windows updates

7. Install the Normal Version of The Windows

If you still face the issue after following the above steps, you should try installing the normal version of Windows. Install the normal version, and you will no longer face the issue. You can easily download it from the below link.

Download Normal Version of Windows 11

Final Words

This is how you can fix the Windows 11 Green Screen of Death error. If you face this issue, you can follow the steps in this article, and you will be able to fix the problem you have been facing.