Raspberry Pi is all set to hit the shelves and now it is coming with the Kali Linux software with it. This Kali Linux is a distro that is for ethical hackers. Now, this can be found along with the compact computer board Raspberry Pi 4.

The Kali Linux distro has become quite famous among ethical hackers. People are ready to invest a good amount of money on this board. As of now, the only 32-bit version is ready for launching in the market. The 64-bit variant will hit the shelves a little late.

Kali: One Of the Most Popular Distro Available in the Market

Kali Linux, Ethical Hacker's Distro is All Set For Raspberry Pi 4
Image Credits โ€“ https://thehackernews.com

Offensive Security has stated that they are quite excited to bring Kali Linux along with the Raspberry Pi 4 into the market. This OS is coming into the market along with an onboard Wi-Fi monitor and the frame injection support.

As this is the initial built, there are some further modifications that must be done. The developers have arranged Kali forums. The users can explain any kind of feedback about the software in these forums.

Kali has been one of the most popular Linux distros for privacy and security out in the market. It is the most popular penetration distro that is present in the market. The ethical hackers can use this Kali Linux and strengthen the systems from falling prey to the real hackers. There are hundreds of built-in tools for users who want more security with the system.

This latest Raspberry Pi 4 is making some biggest promises to the users. It ensured that even the entry-level desktops will work just fine. The reviewers have pointed out some heating issues but other than that it is working just fine.


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