Microsoftโ€™s Edge browser has come up with some amazing features, which could tempt the Chrome users to switch browsers. From the past few months, Edge is bringing new features, and now again, it has added some excellent capabilities. At present, almost everyone is working from home due to Covid-19, so to all of them, this feature will be so helpful.

Microsoft Edge Brings Collections Feature Which Allows to Collect & Organize Content

Day by day, the Microsoft Edge browser is getting more popular, and it has come on the second position in the desktop market. The first one on the list is Google Chrome. Both Chrome and Edge have similar features as they are based on the Chromium browser engine. But many users avoid Google services to protect their privacy.

Microsoft Edge Browser Gets New Features to Take on Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge Browser Gets New Features to Take on Google Chrome

A Collections feature of Microsoft Edge allows the users to collect, share, and organize content that you find from the web. This feature is quite popular, and now it is getting more capabilities.

A feature named โ€œCollections sends to OneNoteโ€ allows you to send all the Edge collections to One Note, to Word as well as Excel.

In aย blog post, Microsoft said, Collections are available on iOS and Android which allows you to sync your devices.

Edge 85 browser also adds the ability to sync browser favorites and settings. The support for Group policy is also added, which allows administrators to add site and the app combos which are trusted to launch.

Moreover, Edge is also adding features that help to keep your kids safe as kids browse through a newly launched family safety app. With this, you can get all the reports on which sites your kidโ€™s visit and what they search. You can keep control of the content for your kids to see. In Edge, InPrivate browsing is blocked to keep your kids safe.

Microsoftโ€™s Edgeโ€™s in-built PDF reader has added the support of highlight and screen reader, which is helpful for students and others who work from home.

Recently, Edge has also added privacy controls, improvements in Collections, and support for PDFs. Another feature that came in Edge 84 is able to manage notifications from sites.

If you are an Edge user, then you will get this update in the coming days.ย 


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