Today is the last day of 2022 and yet, Telegram had to drop a bunch of new features with one of the biggest updates on iOS in 2022. Available for all iOS users, the update brings zero storage usage, drawing smoothing, interactive emoji, hidden media and much more in this incoming update that you will get via App Store.ย
Telegram Rolls Out Tonnes Of Featuresย
Telegram for iOS has brought many new features with the latest update. First up, the update adds a new effect on text and media files where it puts a blur on it. The effect prevents onlookers from getting a peek into the content. Instead, you need to tap on the photo to see whatโs inside.
The next big update comes with storage. You get granular control over storage where you can add a separate auto-remove setting to get rid of cached media from chats, groups and channels. A nice-looking pie chart represents the storage usage far better than the previously used bars.
You can now hide members list from groups containing 100+ members. Admin of the group can only see the list, while others wonโt. Telegram has added a feature to smoothen drawings where it highlightsย widths and smoothes the lines. It creates a refined experience since the rocky and unstable lines you can draw are gone.ย
Additionally, you have a highly sophisticated eyedropper that makes choosing colors a much better experience overall. If thatโs not enough, you get a slew of customizations on adding messages to the photos. You can change font, font sizes, add custom animated emojis and so on.ย
Certainly, we arenโt done yet. You can change someoneโs profile in case they donโt. Of course, it wonโt change their actual profile. Instead, you will see the image you have set for the said profile, no matter the actual profile picture.ย
The update is available for iOS users. You will get an auto notification or you can walk into the App Store to find it.ย