Despite being free to use Instagram, the platform has specific terms and policies that users are expected to follow. If someone violates these policies, Instagram takes immediate action against them.

If your Instagram account has been disabled for violating their terms, you have come to the right place. Here, we will discuss Instagram’s terms and how to fix your account has been disabled for violating our terms on Instagram.

I assure you that getting back (most times) the account is not as complicated as you think. It may take time but can be recovered depending on the situation. So without any hesitation, let’s start.

How to Fix Your Account has been Disabled for Violating our Terms on Instagram

Instagram account disabled is a terrifying thing that all of us want to avoid. But, even if it happens, it leaves you frustrated. However, fortunately, there are several methods to recover accounts, and we will go through effective ones.

Before all methods, you must know Instagram’s policy, terms and conditions, and community guidelines. Otherwise, you have to deal with other accounts if you have many.

1. Recover the Disabled Instagram Account using Instagram (Business Profile)

This is straightforward to get back your Instagram account. Here is the process to follow. However, the faster you take action, the quicker you will get back the account.

  1. As usual, open the Instagram app, and submit your login credentials. (If you’re more comfortable with a browser to complete all processes, visit the Instagram account reactivation page).
  2. A pop-up will open up about the account being disabled; here simply click on learn more.steps to recover disabled instagram account for policy violation
  3. You will get a message dashboard to express your inconvenience. Firstly, you have filled in your name, email, username, and mobile number. Secondly, express your thought about your problem in the let us know section in detail
  4. On the next step, it asks about the page whether it is related to business, service, and product or not. Here simply click on Yes. And click on the Send button.
  5. Now you have to put in some basic details such as Full name, user name, mobile number, and email address once again.
  6. Then you have to prove the business you have on Instagram. Click on I understand I can’t get help with my account if I haven’t uploaded a valid document supporting my business.
  7. After that, you will receive an email from the Instagram team for document proof. Send the asking document in the reply mail.
  8. So far, you are doing good – another email you will receive. You have to verify your photo with a unique code on paper.
  9. After completing all the necessary steps correctly, you will receive another email mentioning that your account has been reactivated. Even after all scrutiny, Instagram can also disqualify your appeal.

2. Appeal to Instagram Manually (Personal Profile)

Nothing is more disappointing than losing an Instagram account. But here is another effective way to apply immediately when your account has been disabled through terms violation.

  1. First of all, visit the Instagram reactivating page on your web browser.
  2. Then submit your full name, email, and Instagram username, and inform brief details about why you’re appealing. Next, click on send button.
  3. You will receive an email with a unique code from the Instagram team for verification. Here you have to provide photo verification only. So take a clean white paper, and write down the code. Now take a picture of you with the paper code.
  4. Next, send the photo in response to the email.

That’s what you need to do from your side rest of the things the Instagram team will handle. After all of this, you will receive another email where you can access your Instagram account once again.

But we are not sure about the outcome you will get. It might take some time to reply from Instagram. Otherwise, there is another effective way that you should know. It’s contacting Instagram using Twitter.

However, it won’t help you that much, but you can do it. In my case, I have shared my problem on Twitter tagging with Instagram. Within a few days, I got a reply to submit an appeal to the link I shared above. The username for Instagram’s official Twitter account is @instagram

Final Words

These are the effective ways to fix Instagram account has been disabled for violating our terms on Instagram. One thing I want to share is that it works if you can provide enough evidence.

Sometime lucks play a role. However, you can appeal multiple times until you get a better outcome. Then, hopefully, you will get your account back. If the content helps you understand the matter, let us know in the comment.


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