A leak from the Android 12 documentation shared by Google to its official partners leaks screenshots of the design changes made to the next iteration of Android. Changes spotted in the notification panel, adding of privacy inductors and conversation widgets. Though these aren’t official and verified, they’re at least made from the official documentation.
Android 12 New Looks Leaked
A new year means new software. This 2021 is Android 12, which could be launching in the latter half as earlier. Before Google letting developers try its new OS through developer previews and betas, it shares the official source code and documentation with few partners to make them ready for the changes.
And a leak of that shared documentation is now making rounds in the community, revealing the possible design and functional changes in the upcoming Android 12. Screenshots have risen from the official documentation, and tells as below;
Starting with the notification panel, Android 12 reduces the number of icons in Quick Settings from 6 to 4, making them look slightly bigger and rounded corners. The transparent panel was replaced with an opaque one, probably be adjusting to the background theme. The conversations section remains and is separated from the notifications.
It has also moved the time and date to the top left corner and puts new privacy indicators beside the battery icon. These include camera and microphone icons and would glow green if they’re in use. Tapping on the indicators will explain more about which apps are using the camera and microphone.
Also, users will be allowed to disable the camera and microphone completely if they wanted to, in the new privacy settings. We are already allowed to disable the device sensors, though. Finally, there’s a new widget selection panel, where users can choose some important conversations to be set for quicker access.
Any new messages, missed calls, or activity from those conversations will show up in the widgets, thus reaching quickly to respond. All these are just known from the leaked documentation. Thus they may or may not appear at the end.