Children always struggle to learn math, especially division. Therefore, teaching them division is a real headache. If you are conscious about your kidsโ division math progress, then we have an ultimate solution for you and your kids to learn division in a fun way so that your kids donโt struggle in division math anymore.
Since digitalization and the evolution of technology, everything has become easier for us. Therefore, division apps can be a true savior. Here are our best division apps for kids to help your kids make smooth division progress.
Best Division Apps for Kids
If you search for division apps, hundreds of apps will come out to you. But finding the best one for your little kids can be a hassle.
While Kids are involved in this matter as a parent or teacher, you must be more conscious. However, we have sorted out the best division apps for kids.
1. Math 8: Leonโs Vocal Games
On top of the list is Math 8, the best division game for iPads. The app allows kids to learn math by playing and talking simultaneously.
In the app, you can find a character called Leon. He will give company to your kids in learning mathematics, especially in a fun interactive way. Not only that, but you also build quizzes and math programs for your kids.
However, the app doesnโt require registration or the internet to start. Moreover, it is proudly ad-free.
Download for iOS
2. Division
With over 1 million downloads in the Play Store, Division is one of the most popular free division apps for kids. With the help of its interactive content, your kids can learn about how to make divisions.
Division is a multilevel game, so we can expect harder steps after solving simple division, which surely helps kids progress faster in division math. The app will have 10 division tables, each with a different division test and interactive content.
Download for Androidย
3. Division Memorizer
Our Division Memorizer provides a comprehensive guide to division and a stress-free learning environment. The app featured 12 division tables with interactive lists.
Apart from this, it has room to practice in a flow. You can even set a timer for practice, which can help to improve speed. The app will also let you know your kidโs progress, as it has a progress track feature.
Download for Android
4. Math: Multiply & Division
Math: Multiply & Division is a great app for kids to learn basic mathematics. Along with division learning, the app will allow your kid to learn multiplication, substitution, and addition.
The app has four modes: training, practice, exam, and pass. The training and practice modes are quite similar. But in the exam mode, your kids must complete tasks within the allocated time. If your kids pass, the next level will be slightly more difficult than the previous one.
5. XtraMath
If you are looking for math apps that can cover all basic mathematical areas, XtraMath surely draws your attention. From all basic mathematical problems to advanced levels, your kids can consume it for math fluency.
If your kid can give 10 minutes daily to this straightforward and simple app, you can see changes. Moreover, the app is arranged to meet your kidโs needs. The app sends progress reports through email. Overall, it could be a great way for your kid to shine in the division.
6. Math Kids: Math Games For Kids
Math Kids is another division app for kids on our list. Using the app, your kid can learn division effectively. Besides division, your kid also can learn addition, subtraction, and counting.
The app is ideal for preschoolers, kindergarteners, toddlers, and older kids who wish to learn mathematics with fun games. Hence, the app has loaded quizzes, fun activities, puzzles, and more.
7. Prodigy Math
If you are searching for the best math apps for your kids, look no further than Prodigy Math. It is a subscription-based, free-to-download app that can help your kids learn division efficiently.
Featuring many interactive math games and educational content for easy learning. The good thing is that it has more than 1400 skills for students to learn and grow.
8. Monster Maths 2: Fun games
Monster Maths 2 is among the best and top-rated division learning apps for KG, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade kids. It can improve more than 75 maths skills systematically.
Besides simple division maths, your kids can also learn two and three-digit divisions. In the advanced grade, push your kids to learn primes and factors, multiples, fractionsโand equivalence.
9. Zapzapmath School : K-6 Games
Well, Zapzapmath School has carried a legacy over the years as a fun math app for kids. Since it is a wholesome math app, your kid can learn division and calculation adequately.
Hundreds of math games are available in the app. The more your kids play the math game, the sharper they will be. Even your kid can challenge other math-learning birds.
10. Funexpected Maths (Kids 3-7)
No matter how high your kidsโ IQ is, Funexpected Math helps them master number fluency and strengthen logical thinking with digital tutors. Overall, itโs a great platform for learning math for your little ones.
Final Words
Signing off, I hope you and your kid get enough resources to learn division. Without wasting much time, select any app from the list of the best division apps for Android, iPhone, and iPadย to begin a smooth division learning journey.