A virtually unknown cryptocurrency whale is on a buying spree of CryptoPunk NFTs and has made over $6 million worth of purchases already.

These include over 100 CryptoPunk NFTs, making him/her/them the owner of over 1% available stock already. While the wallet is continuing to buy more of them, the average price for buying a CryptoPunk NFT grew to 28.99 ETH now.

A Quick Sale of $6 Million CryptoPunk NFTs

Mysterious Whale Bought 2,300 ETH Worth of CryptoPunk NFTs

Who wouldโ€™ve thought a pixelated digital collectible be worth millions of dollars one day! Not even the makers of it, at starting. Larva Labs, the maker of CryptoPunk NFTs in 2017 has given them for free initially, which are now worth over $500 million!

CryptoPunk NFTs are a collection of 24ร—24, 8-bit-style pixel art images of various nature. With a fixed production and availability of only 10,000 of them, each CryptoPunk NFT has its distinctive characteristics.

These could be resembling a human, ape, alien, Zombie, etc, but are unique, and are now worth at least 28.99 ETH (over $75,200) apiece. Collectively, theyโ€™ve traded for the worth of over 232,000 ETH ($573 million) to date.

The biggest purchase ever made is for $11.8 million, for the CryptoPunk #7523โ€ณ โ€“ is of Alien variety with blue-green skin, and wearing a medical mask. And the 4th and 5th biggest purchases were made today, by Gary Vaynerchuk buying CryptoPunk #2140 for 1,600 ETH ($3.7 million), and someone buying #5217 for 2,250 ETH ($5.4 million).

Whatโ€™s more intriguing is that an unknown whale buying a 1% chunk of all available CryptoPunk NFTs, at an average of 24-29 ETH, thatโ€™s about more than $6 million for over 100 CryptoPunk NFTs. And heโ€™s still buying them!

Tracking the wallet resulted in no many details about the buyer, as the wallet is seemed to be set up only for buying the NFTs. Also, itโ€™s not known about the person behind it, so could be him/her or them. Altogether, if youโ€™re planning to buy a CryptoPunk NFT, realize that itโ€™s getting costlier.


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