WhatsApp has finally bought the most wanted feature – Dark Mode to its Web version. This is so late and final bringing to the app, after serving mobile clients first. Activating the Dark Mode is easy, and can be done in the following steps. Further, WhatsApp has also bought new stickers to its iOS and Android clients.

Finally, Dark Mode on WhatsApp Web Version

Dark Mode is one of the most asked features from the community, and it was rolled to many messengers. And WhatsApp is probably the last one to receive this feature, despite being a household app. Since the blue light from the screen could damage users’ eyes in the long run, Dark Mode eases this perceptiveness.

How to Enable Dark Mode on WhatsApp Web ?Facebook pushed Dark Mode to WhatsApp a few months ago, but only to its iOS and Android clients. And since the Desktop usage is rising gradually, it’s now focusing on the desktop version too. Though few suggested some tricky workarounds to enable Dark Mode in web Whatsapp earlier, those are limited and temporary.

Thus, here it is, Facebook finally rolled out the Dark Mode officially to the WhatsApp web. Follow these steps to find and activate;

Steps to Activate Dark Mode in WhatsApp Web

If you’re already on WhatsApp Web, move to the second step. If not, sync with the mobile client by scanning the QR code. For this,

  1. Open your WhatsApp Web (www.web.whatsapp.com) and scan the QR code it showed through your mobile’s scanner. You can find this in Settings > WhatsApp Web.
  2. Upon syncing the chats with your web version, go to Settings > Theme. Here you’ll find options like Light or Dark themes, choose Dark to activate the Dark Mode.

Though touted as Dark, it’s still a dark Blue/Green kind of background in the entirety. Yet, it’s still good for your eyes at night.

Besides this, WhatsApp has also rolled out new sticker packs to mobile clients, which users can download and use through their sticker store in chats options.


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