An adult star from OnlyFans, a platform that lets content creators earn money from their paid subscribers, has filed DMCA notices with Reddit to takedown her infringing content. Her lawyer complained that some users share the images and videos of her commercial content from OnlyFans on Reddit for free and seek details of those users.

DMCA Notices to Reddit

OnlyFans Files DMCA Subpoena Asking Reddit to Reveal Details of Copyright InfringersThough content piracy is becoming normal these days, copyright holders are trying their best to stop at least a few of them through various means. One such copyright holder named Natasha Noel, an adult performer, is now taking on infringers through her lawyer. As Torrent Freak saw, a lawyer named Jason Fischer representing Noel has filed a DMCA notice with Reddit about infringing content.

As per the DMCA notice on March 9, Fischer asks Reddit to remove the copyrighted content (photos and videos) on their platform belonging to her client, Natasha Noel, collected from the OnlyFans account.

While this seemed normal, Fischer has filed yet another DMCA subpoena in California district court on March 23rd, which lists out several URLs mentioned in the Reddit DMCA takedown notice earlier.

Here, Fischer and her client asks the court to order Reddit records custodian to share the details of all those asked infringers. What Fischer and Noel are planning to do with this obtained information isn’t known yet.

The information requested includes the related users’ usernames, account names, actual names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses (including dates and times of access), and all billing information.

Also, Fischer has filed another DMCA subpoena on the same day on behalf of Valerie Loureda, an MMA fighter, and a model. While she doesn’t have an OnlyFans account to share private content, she does it through her dedicated website. A subreddit on her name is sharing that commercial stuff for free.

While Reddit took down the subreddit for too many infringing notices, Fischer now demands Reddit to share the details of those infringers who shared the content for free on that subreddit.


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