In order to offer to secure users’ accounts better, Telegram is seen testing a new feature – the ability to add email accounts to users’ chat accounts. This was spotted by a leaker, who shared screenshots depicting this support.
When enabled, users may see this option in the Privacy and Setting section to add an email address and be used for verification whenever they try login into a new device. There’s also a Google integration for linking Gmail accounts with one click.
Email Linking in Telegram
Chat accounts these days are as important as bank accounts, as they carry valuable information between two personal accounts. Thus, to protect them better, Telegram is working on new support – email linking – for user accounts.
As shared by Alessandro Paluzzi, Telegram users may soon be allowed to link their email addresses to their respective chat accounts, which can be used as a better verification system next time when they login to a new device.
#Telegram is working on the ability to protect your account by adding your email address ????
ℹ️ Alternatively you can sign in with #Google
— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) September 1, 2022
Currently, Telegram offers Two-Step Verification support for securing user accounts, in addition to using a password when logging into a new device. But since this system uses a pre-defined static password, it probably isn’t as secure as the new email system – which is being used by many other companies.
Users may be receiving an OTP code to their linked email address for logging onto a new device and a notification that they had accessed from a new device. As this seemed more secure, Telegram may soon enable this.
Currently, as Paluzzi pointed out, this support is in the works. It can be found in the Privacy and Setting section of the Telegram app. There’s even a Sign in with Google option for Gmail users to add their Gmail with one click.
ℹ️ Your email address will be used every time you log in to your #Telegram account from a new device
— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) September 2, 2022
The second screenshot he shared revealed the feature is popping up with a description as “This email address will be used every time you log into your Telegram account from a new device” and an option to Change Email.