Usually, Telegram brings a bunch of new emojis and stickers in every new update, but it also draws attention to intriguing features that other messengers don’t have yet.

In this pursuit, the chat app brought a full-chat translation feature for Premium members that can translate the whole content in a snap! This is also available to regular users but is limited to one chat message at a time. Besides this, there’s a more detailed storage page, deeper controls over saved media, etc.

Telegram New Features

Aside from more sticker and emoji packs, group chat admins will get more control over what type of media is being shared in the group and control them accordingly. Regarding profile pictures, Telegram now allows users to set stickers and animated emojis as profile images, even for all their contacts.

And to make them easier to find, the app is now creating emoji categories to organize them accordingly – thus easy to find. Also, to get a more detailed look into what the emoji or a sticker is, users can tap them and hold them to get a zoomed-in look.

For Premium users, Telegram lets the entire chats, groups, or even channels be translated in one go! All you need to do is just click a button and see them get translated to your desired language in a snap. Well, you need to enable this feature initially in the options menu of the app.

Once you do it, you’ll see a new translation bar appearing at the top of a chat window, making it easy for translating conversations quickly. This support is available for regular Telegram users also, but very limited. They can translate one message at a time – which is still good.

The platform has also revamped the storage usage page, which now includes details on incoming and outgoing data usage for items like messages, videos, pictures, and more – all shown in a pie chart format. This gives an easier understanding of what’s consuming the storage and where you can cut them accordingly.


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