Telegram is one of the finest instant messengers with open source apps, great encryption for chats/calls, bots etc. Ever since its inception, Telegram is rapidly developing and introducing new features to compete against WhatsApp and WeChat. Here are cool improvements introduced in its new version

1.) Theme Editor

As always, Telegram is perfect for universal editings. Now you can edit the theme colour of Main Color, Background and My Messages. Editing here is not just from the default colours, but your made-up ones from the gradient! After all, you can share your art to friends so that they can apply this or modify it further. Background themes of Math, Cats, Dogs, Festival etc can be set too.

2.) Quick Dark Theme

Well, it’s already available in the app. But now, accessing it is made easier. For Android, users can easily switch into Dark Mode from the specific icon given on the left draggable settings. And in iOS, the Dark Theme automatically applies if the phone’s in Dark Mode and vice-versa. Users can still prefer to set their choice manually from settings.

3.) Send When Online

Aha, there’s now an option for scheduling the message! You don’t need to stay awake or keep tracking the time for the perfect moment to send a message, but can schedule it and send when the receipt is online. Well, you should note that it’s available only when you can see recipients online status.

4.) Perfect Location Sharing

Now stop finding for the exact location from the results when searched in the bar. You can send the exact venue location to your recipient rather than sharing an approximate location. This update will now show all the venues at your location, thus allowing you to send where you’re exactly.

5.) Remembering Your Last Time

Now let Telegram remember where you’ve left. As you can send files upto 1.5GB, you may find it hard to note where you were left. This update will now remember where you’ve left playing an audio file (more than 20min) and let you resume from the exact duration. Further, you can increase the steaming speed to 2X if wanted.

Others as sleek animation, new stickers, still being in search while selecting multiple messages from results, switching accounts faster, using Gmailbot to share things with your mates, selecting only part of whole message etc.

Download/ Update the app here: Telegram


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