Random Access Memory (RAM) is an integral part of a computer that is improperly set or altered and may cause too many unwanted issues. These could be from random system crashes, distorted graphics, booting failures, and even Blue Screen of Death.

We often donโ€™t know what may have been misconfigured, which can cause serious problems with your PC and eventually result in data loss. While you may not realize the issue until the consequences occur, running your systemโ€™s health scans is better to avoid disturbances. Microsoft offers a Memory Diagnostic Utility to check whether RAM is working properly.

If youโ€™re in a stage experiencing some issues in your system and suspect that RAM could be blamed, hereโ€™s how to find that out;

How to Check RAM Issues in Windows 10

  1. Go to Start to open the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool. Type this in the Search box to get the app, and open it.
  2. Youโ€™ll be shown a window with two options for restarting the PC right away to check the problems and doing it the next itโ€™s restarted. Since weโ€™re trying it now, click on Restarting now.
  3. This will restart the system in a raw interface looking more like the MS-DOS, which automatically tests the PC to surface any problems. While this runs a standard test by default, you can run advanced tests by clicking on F1ย and choosing the other.

After the testing process, it will restart the Windows and notifies about any defective problem through the notification panel from the bottom right corner. You may click on it, learn more about it, and follow the steps defined to resolve the issue.

Also, Read- How to Full Scan Your Windows 10 PC Using Microsoft Defender

Check Your RAM Test Results in Windows 10

Your RAM results appear right after restarting your computer. You need to follow up some setup to get the results information.

  1. Go to the Start menu and search for โ€œEvent Viewer.โ€ย You can also open Event Viewer with Windows Key + R, type โ€œeventvwr.mscโ€ in the Run dialog box, and hit enter.
  2. Now Click on Windows Logs > System > Find.
  3. Open the Find Box and Enter โ€œMemoryDiagnosticโ€ in that box and hit enter.
  4. Now, you will see the recently tested RAM results in that box.

Also Read- Check RAM Manufacturer Brand, Model, and Other Specs


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