The ongoing lockdown in most nations led people to rely on online entertainment much, which spurred the reliance on torrent channels like BitTorrent and others to share content. Latest statistics show the countries in Europe, followed by the US and Asia have seen a significant uprise of torrenting, all because of their citizens being restricted to homes for stopping the spread of Coronavirus. Popular torrent clients like The Pirate Bay, RARBG, YTS, etc are being used heavily by people around the world.

Torrent Downloads are Increases Worldwide Due to Coronavirus
Torrent Downloads are Increases Worldwide Due to Coronavirus

Many nations around the have chosen to lockdown themselves completely, as a better way to stop the spread of Coronavirus. While this preventive measure is helping them a bit, users are vexed sitting in their homes without any movement. And what would one do if theyโ€™re provided with time, computer and the internet? Obviously, at one point, they all switch to entertainment to kick off their moods. And hereโ€™s how it worked.

Europeansโ€™ High Reliance

From the statistics procured from, we tracked Italy initially, as it was the first nation to take a hard hit from Coronavirus. As Italy announced the nationwide lockdown from March 9th, new downloads and IP addresses have risen over to 810K and 304K from March 8th stats of 592K downloads and 213K IP addresses respectively.


Itโ€™s counterpart Spain and France to have similar effects as both the nations too have levied a lockdown throughout. Since Spainโ€™s lockdown from March 14th, the number of downloads and IP addresses increased by over 30% from previous generals. This was followed by France, which had also witnessed a substantial rise in torrenting statistics from Mid March.


Others as the UK and US have been impacted by Coronavirus too, but the movement restrictions were partially levied, thus thereโ€™s no significant uprise detected in both the nations. Yet, thereโ€™s slight demand for these sharing content seen as below.


Check more statistics for other countries from

Via: TorrentFreak


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