Twitter on Thursday night caused havoc to few users by accidentally sending them e-mails asking them to confirm their account. The email received was from an official address, but still triggered suspicion among users since they haven’t asked for it. And when everyone is panicking, Twitter Support admitted it was a mistake from their end and those emails can be ignored.
Suspicious Emails From Twitter
As phishing emails are a successful vector for stealing credentials, cybersecurity experts warn users and employees to be aware of such emails all the time. These could be impersonating official brands and come with luring offers, all aimed at pushing the target to click on a link, open a fake website and log in their credentials.
Unsuspecting users have high chances of falling prey to a carefully crafted phishing campaign, so should cautious dealing with unknown e-mails. One such recent incident has caused panic among few Twitter users, who received account confirmation emails from official Twitter addresses – but without asking for it.
You probably received an email tonight from Twitter asking you to confirm your email address. Don’t click it.
— Scott Gustin (@ScottGustin) April 23, 2021
While the sender’s email address is an official one as mentioned on Twitter’s FAQ page, it was treated suspiciously. The email had a “Confirm your Twitter account” subject line and a “Confirm Now” button. Many have suggested not to click on the button for good, and inform Twitter. As the panic among the community is growing, Twitter Support came forward with an explanation as below;
“Some of you may have recently received an email to “confirm your Twitter account” that you weren’t expecting. These were sent by mistake and we’re sorry it happened.
If you received one of these emails, you don’t need to confirm your account and you can disregard the message.”
So Twitter confirmed, ignore the email if you’ve received one.