Coronavirus has caused enough disruption already. From people dying to survivors not receiving essentials on time, the ongoing pandemic has created enough problems for us. But, the actions of citizens destroying 5G towers by believing them to causing virus is disturbing. People in the UK are turning stupid enough to set fire to cellular towers, and even abusing 5G workers physically and verbally. This started with them believing several baseless conspiracy theories online.

UK People Burned 5G Towers Believing in Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories
UK People Burned 5G Towers Believing in Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

A Dangerous Nonsense

BBC reported that cellular towers in Birmingham, Liverpool, and Melling in Merseyside were set fire by locals believing 5G to be responsible for Coronavirus! This started after a bunch of conspiracy theories flowed on the internet and people started trusting those baseless content. The act of blazing fires was uploaded to Facebook and YouTube, which were called as “dangerous nonsense” by
Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove.

While police are investigating, Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sports noted the incident and tweeted

“There is absolutely no credible evidence of a link between 5G and coronavirus”. Yet, people are destroying them towers and abusing 5G workers with baseless questions. NHS Director Stephen Powis said, “I’m absolutely outraged and disgusted that people would be taking action against the infrastructure we need to tackle this emergency.”

There have been few kinds of research claiming 5G may affect the health of beings, but not fairly concluded at one point after all. On the other hand, conspiracy theories swirling on the internet aren’t credible enough to be believed, yet people follow them to add more disruption to what we’re facing now.

This is beyond stupidity, as the only facility that’s helping at this moment is technology. From installing robots to using AI for detecting and treating infected patients, we’re relying on technologies harder than ever. And destroying them shall cut communications and more importantly, researches for diagnosing the infection. If people don’t stop believing news that isn’t credible, the end approaches sooner than we assumed.

Via: BBC


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