Facial recognition technology in recent time has faced enough heat from authorities. Many corporates and governments are accused of infringing social rights by using facial recognition techs on civilians. Yet, the US military is in the pursuit of making this tech more advanced and using it for identifying people from far distances, as 1km!

A project since 2016!

Advancements in AI and Machine Learning led to many possibilities. One such development is the facial recognition technology thatโ€™s intimidating the public, but tuned as a prime handy tool for authorities to crack down culprits. And here is it again, the US military is found developing a new technology of portable camera thatโ€™s capable of identifying people from a distance of 1km even! Damn isnโ€™t it?

US Military Develops New Tech to Aid Officers in Identifying People from 1 Km
US Military Develops New Tech to Aid Officers in Identifying People from 1 Km

A company called Secure Planet developed a tool called Advanced Tactical Facial Recognition at a Distance Technology, under the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM). While it started back in 2016, the company has recently demonstrated its first prototype in December last year. This will help police personnel to identify someone from as far as 1km distance!

The maker didnโ€™t reveal exactly how its tech gonna work, but we assume it to be powerful than ever. Identifying faces from a distance of 1km should be using advanced cameras and softwares to decode the details of someone. Distractions as instabilities of a moving person, clarity and even atmospheric turbulences can affect the identification. Yet, usage of neural networks to remove such distortions and make a clear image may help. We should see how the firmโ€™s making it actually.

This tech, even though helpful to the military, may face several regulators heat. Though it comes under government project, civilians may oppose for violating their identity rights. Nevertheless, we need to wait until it rolls out actually and see how impactful it is.

Source: New Scientist


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