WMPnetwk.exe is part of the Microsoft Windows Operating Systemโ€™s Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service. It was created by Microsoft. However, it is usually located in C: Program Files. Malware programmers and cyber thieves can create malicious programs named wmpnetwk.exe that can damage software and hardware.

As such, if you are experiencing high CPU and Memory usage for WMPnetwk.exe in Task Manager on your Windows PC, please follow the steps discussed here. Letโ€™s now address the fixes to free you from this bane.

Also Read- How to FIX 100% High CPU Usage in Windows 11

Fix Wmpnetwk.exe High CPU & Memory Usage

Many users previously reported that their problem was fixed after running the full system file checker and DISM scan to repair the corrupted files. Therefore, you must also try this and see if it helps.

Fix 1: Run SFC & DISM

Many users previously reported that after running the full system file checker and DISM to repair the corrupted files. Therefore, you must also try this out and see if it helps or not:

Run SFC Scan:

  1. Initially, open the Command Prompt using admin privileges.ย 
  2. After that, execute the command:ย sfc/scannow.sfc/scannow

Run DISM Scan:

  1. Open The Command Prompt using the run as administrator option.ย 
  2. After that, execute the command: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /RestorehealthDISM check windows 11

Fix 2: Disable The Windows Media Player

If you are bothered due to the WMPnetwk.exe error, then disabling the Windows Media Player also be a great option for you. However, these necessary steps will help you do so:ย 

  1. Firstly, openย Control Panelย and navigate to theย Programs and Features.
  2. Now, simply click on the linkย Turn Windows Features On or Offย and expand theย Media Features.Turn Windows Features On or Off
  3. Then, uncheck the box next to Windows Media Playerย and confirm your action by tapping onย Yes > Ok.Media Features

Fix 3: Disable Media Streaming

The Media Streaming app is, by default, enabled on your device, even if you use it occasionally. Therefore, you must disable the media streaming service to fix the WMPnetwk.exe. So, letโ€™s take a look at the guidelines:ย 

  1. Firstly, launch theย Windows Media Playerย and tap on theย Stream.
  2. Now, from the drop-down list, select theย More Streaming options.More Streaming options
  3. Finally, a list of media streaming optionsย used by different applications appears on your screen; you need to tap on theย Block Allย option. This will block all applications that areย using the Media Streaming service.block all media players

Note: If you wish to enable this feature again on your Windows Media Player, follow the same 1 and 2 steps, then tap on Turn on media streaming.ย 

Fix 4: Scan For Virus

We have already stated in this guide that the WMPnetwk.exe may occur due to viruses or malware stored on your PC. Therefore, now to fix this, you must check if there are any relics of harmful content on your PC by using the following steps:ย 

  1. Initially, use the Windows Search barย to search forย โ€œVirus & Threat Protection.โ€ย Then, open it.
  2. After that, choose from the Quick, Full, Custom, and Offline scans. We suggest running the Full system scan. Then, leave your PC until the scan process is finished.ย 

Thatโ€™s it. Now, again, check if the high CPU and Memory usage for WMPnetwk.exe in the Task Manager on your Windows PC is resolved.ย 

Fix 5: Use Registry to Disable Media Streaming

Users can also use the Windows Registry trick to disable the Media Streaming to fix the high CPU and Memory usage for WMPnetwk.exe in Task Manager on your Windows PC. So, letโ€™s have a look at the instructions:ย 

  • First of all, run the Windows Registry using admin privileges.
  • After that, navigate to the following:ย 
  1. Now, inside the HME folder, locate theย DisableDiscoveryย key. But, in case you didnโ€™t see this key, make sure to right-click on the empty space and create aย DWORD (32-bit Value)ย key. Then, simply name itย DisableDiscovery.Use Registry to Disable Media Streaming
  2. Thatโ€™s it. Now, right-click on the newly created key and set theย Value Dataย fromย 0ย toย 1. Then, hit theย Okย button. This will disable the Windows Media Streaming service.Use Registry to Disable Media Streaming

Fix 6: Disable Wmpnetwk.exe Service

It is seen that disabling the WMPnetwk.exe service helped a number of users to fix the high CPU and Memory usage in the Task Manager of Windows PC. Therefore, you must also try this and check if it helps to resolve the issue:ย 

  1. Initially, open theย Runย prompt box and search forย services.msc. This will open theย Local Windows Servicesย of your PC.services.msc
  2. Now, locate theย Windows Media Player Network Sharing Serviceย from the standard applications list.
  3. Then, click on it to open theย Propertiesย menu and switch to theย Generalย tab.ย 
  4. After that, tap on theย Startup Typeย to open the drop-down list. Then, change it fromย Manualย or Disabledย and hit theย Okย button to apply the changes.Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service

These fixes will surely help you resolve WMPnetwk.exeโ€™s high CPU and Memory usage on your Windows PC. We hope that this guide has helped you. However, in case you need more info, comment below.


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