Facebook on Tuesday announced several tools to empower shopping across its platforms. Some include virtual storefronts on WhatsApp, Shop Ads on Facebook, Visual Search on Instagram, etc.

While some existing tools like Shops are coming to WhatsApp as new, Facebook is levering various AI tools to introduce features that make shopping across its platforms easier for users and help businesses grow smartly.

New E-commerce Tools on Facebook

Facebook Announced New Tools to Make Shopping Easier Across Its Platforms

While Facebook is slowly losing the Apple ecosystem due to its new App Tracking Transparency policy, it’s announcing various tools across its products to draw in more revenue.

In this pursuit, the company has expanded the Reels ads on Instagram lately, and now, Shops Ads on Facebook. As per the latest announcement from the company’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg said WhatsApp will soon have support for Shops in it.

Facebook introduced Shops – virtual storefronts earlier to help online businesses sell their products directly to Facebook users. While this is coming to WhatsApp now, businesses on Facebook will have a new feature called Shops ads to market their products smartly.

Under this, the users will be directed to relevant Shops on Facebook where they’re most likely to make a purchase. For this, businesses have to frame their ads smartly based on the data collected from Facebook.

Also, Facebook is expanding the support of AR Try On – which lets businesses import an AR-based 3D object of their assets onto the Facebook Shops, for better viewing of products.

At last, Facebook announced Visual Search and AR Dynamic Ads on Instagram, which will help businesses on Instagram. Visual Search, for example, will let users search for a similar product on Instagram virtual storefronts by just analyzing the picture.

Users can tap on a product photo or select one from there to see relevant storefronts selling a similar item, and purchase if interested.


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