The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), launched in August this year and hosted by Linux Foundation, has announced three free DevOps courses. These are intended for developing secure software while reducing damage and increasing response speed when a vulnerability is found. Also, there’s one paid certification course taught by professionals with tests and additional content.

Free Secure Software Development Courses

OpenSSF Announced Free Courses for Secure Software DevelopmentOpen-source is a wonderful thing. While some call lending powerful exploitation tools open is bad, some applaud for empowering the learning community and innovation. While neither are wrong, building them securely so that only intended people use them for intended purposes is important.

Thus, the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) hosted by Linux Foundation has announced an initiative to teach the interested DevOps about making secure softwares. The OpenSSF collaborates with various companies, including popular names like Facebook, Huawei Technologies, Polyverse Corporation, Samsung, Tencent, and Uber.

Regarding courses, it hosted 3 new free courses on the non-profit platform, edX. They contain lessons for reducing the damage of exploration and increasing the speed of response to a known vulnerability. While these can be learned for free, there’s another certification course named Secure Software Development Fundamentals.

This is priced at $537.30 and named to be crafted by professionals. It contains course materials and tests, which will be available from November 5th onwards, whereas the enrollment is open from today.

Get Free OpenSSF Courses

Regarding these, the chief expert on Open System and Software of Huawei, Peixin Hou said

With open-source software becoming a crucial foundation in today’s world, how to ensure its security is the responsibility of every stakeholder. We believe the establishment of the Open Source Security Foundation will drive common understanding and best practices on the security of the open-source supply chain and will benefit the whole industry.”

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