Did you know you can search or see all your liked posts on Instagram? This is because Instagram remembers and saves all of the information when you double-tap a photo or video.

Well, it is possible that not many users are familiar with this feature, but there’s a way to see all of the posts you’ve liked in one location under Instagram’s settings. However, in the past, there was a place where you could find all of them, but in the recent patch update, Instagram changed everything, due to which some users find it challenging to check their liked reels or posts.

So, if you are here to know the necessary methods to know about liked posts, make sure to follow our guide until the end, as here we have mentioned some quick and easy steps that will help you do so. Therefore, let’s get started with the guide.

Also Read- FIX – Instagram Reels Not Working

Steps To See Your Liked Posts on Instagram

Before we start, let me clear to you that Instagram will only allow you to see only 300 most recent posts that you’ve liked. Also, it is possible that the steps we have mentioned below may not work for the web version of Instagram. So, if you are using the Android or iOS version of the Instagram app, then here are the steps that will help you: 

  1. Firstly, launch the Instagram app and hover to the Profile icon, and click on the hamburger icon located on the top right corner. click on instagram profile icon
  2. After that, click on the You Activity option and then select the Interactions tile.instagram your activityYour activity - interactions
  3. That’s it. Now, tap on the Likes. Thereafter, you will get a list of Posts, Videos, and Reels that you have liked previously. However, Instagram by default shows you the Posts from the newest to oldest order. So, you can change this by the sort and filter option.Interactions Likes Instaposts you liked on instagram

So, that’s all on how to see your liked posts on Instagram. This is the latest method to see what you liked on Instagram because they changed the settings in a new Instagram update. So, we hope that these steps have helped you. But, in case you want any extra information, comment below.


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