Telegram has rolled out a new update yesterday where it revamped the Voice Chat feature to function more like the Clubhouse. As seen in the beta version earlier, Voice Chat 2.0 will let channel admins start a group voice chat, and invite selected speakers and users to join the room. Also, they can record the session and pass participating rights to users.

Telegram Voice Chat 2.0

Telegram Announced Voice Chat 2.0 Serving Similar Functions as ClubhouseJumping into the hype of Clubhouse’s model lately is the Telegram, which has now updated its Voice Chat feature to v2.0. This revamped feature is aimed to replicate the Clubhouse model, by having similar functionalities. For example, it now gives the channel admins to make a virtual room and start a voice chat with their users.

For this, admins have to tap on the three dots settings in the profile section, which will then open further options where the Start a Voice Chat is available. Tapping into it will create a room and shows you the members list where you can invite them with a joining link.

You can name the chat as desired and allot rights to members accordingly. This is like letting only a few people talk in the room and letting others listen. Also, if the invited members missed the chat for some reason, admins (hosts) can record the session and share it with them for listening later. There’s a Record option available for the hosts and be stored in the Saved Messages section.

Further, there’s a Raise Hand just like in Clubhouse, where interested members can raise their hand (virtually given option) to let hosts know that they’re interested in joining the conversation. And if hosts wanted them to, they’ll see the raising hand option and can let them join in. Finally, it allows users to join the chats with either their channel account or the personal account.


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