Telegram, which is a fairly popular instant messenger and an archival of WhatsApp. Started small, Telegram is picking at a rapid pace for the last couple of years, majorly among teens, businesses, and the tech world. This is because the makers of Telegram has been adding more functionalities to the platform, making it more appealing.

Some of these include not flexibility, no limits on the number of participants for a channel, maximum cap for groups, no cap on media transfer, automated bots, color/theme changes, disappearing messages, and secret chats. And the best part, Telegram makes most of these available on all platforms.

Telegram has clients for several platforms including Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, and even as web version and Chrome browser extension! Thus, users can use the platform at their convenience. If you’re onto PC much and trying to use Telegram on it, here’s how to set up things;

Also Read- Why Anonymous Recommends Signal and Telegram Over WhatsApp

How to Use Telegram on Windows, macOS, and Linux?

The process of installation and initializing things of Telegram on PC is almost similar for all the available platforms. So, no worries, as we’re trying out with a Windows PC. Here you go;

  1. Open any of your browsers and go to Telegram’s official website to download the app. Here’s a direct link to get them.
  2. Choose the relevant application based on your PC’s OS. Since we’re demonstrating with a Windows PC, we download the Windows client.
  3. After downloading, open the file to install.
  4. Opening it will ask for your phone number, which should be provided to make an OTP verification, thus finding your account.
  5. If you’re already having a Telegram app on your phone, you’ll be getting the OTP in your app, through Telegram’s service notifications channel, which seems like a chat conversation.
  6. But if you’re registering for the first time, you’ll be getting an OTP to your phone directly, enter it to verify.

That’s it. All your chats from your primary client will be synched with the PC client. In case you wanted to disconnect this, you can do so by going through your phone’s Telegram app. Tap on the hamburger menu at the top left corner to open your Profile, then to Settings and Devices to see linked PC client. Click on Terminate all other sessions to remove it.


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