Telegram is seen testing a premium version of its platform, where the latest iOS beta client has some exclusive stickers and emojis tied for a subscription.

While there are no details of pricing and other exclusive features, Telegram trying a premium version is touted for a long time. Also, there are hints of the platform letting users create avatars too, to set them as their profile pictures. More details on these are yet to be known.

Telegram Premium Version

Amongst all the instant messengers we have today, Telegram is undoubtedly the most feature-packed one. The platform is rolling new features almost every month, and offer’s so much more flexibility than others. While it’s all free for now, Telegram is seen testing a premium version of its platform in the latest iOS beta.

As Android Police reported, the latest iOS beta version is seen to have some stickers marked as premium, and can only be used by subscribing to it. It’s unknown how much the subscription costs, and what all are the exclusive features it contains.

Yet, Telegram coming up with a paid version is expected, as the company is serving a lot of use for free all these years.

And finding an income source to make them available isn’t bad. We’ve already seen the platform testing ads last year, and even WhatsApp testing a paid version for its business client, to let users have more than 4 devices linked to one account.

As of now, it’s only known that a few stickers and emojis are behind the Telegram’s paywall, and these are blocked for viewing in a conversation for free users. Besides this, there is also a function to let users create their own avatars in Telegram, and set them as profile photos.


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