If you have recently encountered a Windows Defender Security warning pop-up on your screen while browsing. If you are looking for solutions and information about this warning, you are in the right place. It is not a warning from Windows; it is malware or a virus trying to trick you with a scam.

This Windows Defender Security warning pop-up always comes with a phone number asking you to contact them to resolve the issue. If you follow their instructions, they will get access to all your data and your bank account. Therefore, it is important to be cautious of such scams.

In this article, we will provide some of the best ways to fix this Windows Defender Security Warning scam alert so that your computer and data will remain safe from scammers.

What is the Windows Defender security warning?

Windows Defender Security scam is a type of phishing scam. In the Windows Defender security warning pop-up window, scammers display a message advising you to contact customer support to resolve the issue.

These pop-up messages appear legitimate, which is why many people fall victim to them. Once you click the pop-up window, they will redirect you to their phishing page and ask you to submit your details.

They may also infect your computer with malware to steal your data and personal information, so it is important not to fall into such scams.

Why Am I Getting This Windows Defender Security Warning? 

There are some common reasons for getting this Windows Defender Security warning that you may have recently visited an unauthorized website that redirected you to a scam page. Or you may have clicked on an ad that redirected you to a fake scammer’s website.

The most common reason is that whenever we download files or media from pirated websites, there is a high chance of malicious resources in those downloaded files,, which affects our computer immediately.

How to Remove Windows Defender Security Warning Scam

1. Close the Pop-up Warning

The first step is to close the Windows Defender Security warning pop-up window. Do not interact with the warning message; simply click on the X button in the top right corner of the window.

Close the Pop-up Warning

This method will solve this problem temporarily, but other methods must be followed to fix this problem permanently.

2. Close Using Task Manager

If clicking the X button does not close the warning pop-up, you can use Task Manager to do so. To know the way, follow the steps given below.

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager.
  2. Click on the Processes tab, and then locate Antimalware Service.
    Click on the Processes tab then locate Antimalware Service
  3. In the dropdown menu for Antimalware Service, you will see Microsoft Defender. Right-click on it and select the Stop option.
    right click on Microsoft Defender then click on stop

3. Scan for Viruses and Malware

If you still get this warning pop-up message, run a full system scan using Windows Defender Antivirus. It will find all malware and virus-infected files and remove them from your computer.

  1. Press the Windows key and search for Windows Security in the search bar, then click on it.
    Windows Security
  2. Click on Virus & Threat Protection in the menu.
    Windows Security
  3. Now, click on Scan Options and select Full Scan.
    Scan Options and select Full Scan
  4. After selecting the Full Scan option, click on the Scan Now button.
    After selecting the Full Scan option, click on the Scan Now button

It will take some time for the scan to complete. Just wait for the process to finish, then delete all the infected files it found, and finally, restart your PC.

4. Use Third-party Antivirus

If you are not satisfied with Windows Security and still experience warning pop-ups, you can try installing third-party antivirus software and running a full PC scan to ensure that your PC does not have suspicious files. If you don’t know which antivirus to use, check out the best free antivirus to help you decide.

5. Clear Browser Cache

If the antivirus hasn’t found any infected files on your PC, clearing your browser’s cache may fix this problem. This will refresh all browser pages you have previously used. So, follow the below steps to this.

In Chrome Browser

  1. Open the Chrome browser and click on the vertical three-dot icon at the top right corner, then select the Settings option.
    chrome settings in PC
  2. Click on the Privacy and Security option, then select Clear Browsing Data.
    Privacy and security
  3. Set the time range to All time, then select the Cookies and Cache option and click on the Clear Data button.
    Set the time range to All time, then select the Cookies and Cache

After clearing the data, restart your Chrome browser and check if the issue is resolved or not.

In Microsoft Edge

If you use the Microsoft Edge browser then do follow the below steps.

  1. Click on the three-dot(…) icon at the top right corner of the Edge browser.
    Click on three dot icon - microsoft edge browser
  2. Select Settings > Privacy, Search, and Services option.
    Click on settings then go to privacy option
  3. On the Privacy page, you will see the Clear Browsing section. Tap on the Choose what to clear button.
    Click on the Choose what to clear option
  4. Set the time range to All Time and select the Cookies and Cache option, then click on the Clear Now button.
    Select cookies and cache option in edge browser

6. Disable Browser’s Extensions

Sometimes, malware or viruses can come through extensions. If you have recently installed any extensions on your browser, try disabling them. We also suggest disabling all extensions individually and checking if the issue is resolved.

In Chrome Browser

  1. Open the Chrome browser and click the vertical three-dot icon at the top-right corner.
  2. Go to More Tools and then select Extensions.
  3. Click on the toggle buttons to disable the extensions you want to disable.
    Toggle off the extension

In Microsoft Edge

  1. Open the Microsoft Edge browser, click on the extension icon next to the search bar, and then select Manage Extensions.
    Click on extension icon in edge browser
  2. Click on the toggle buttons to disable all the extensions.
    disable all the extensions

If this resolves the issue, start enabling extensions individually and identify which extension is causing the issue.

7. Reset Browser Settings

If nothing works, resetting your browser settings is one option you can try to remove the Windows Defender security warning pop-up scam.

In Chrome Browser

  1. Go to Chrome browser settings by clicking the three-dot icon at the top right corner.
  2. In the left menu, click the Reset and Clean Up option, then select Restore settings to their original defaults.
    Restore settings to their original defaults 
  3. Now, click on the Reset settings button to confirm.
    Reset Chrome Settings

In Microsoft Edge

  1. Click on the three-dot icon in the Microsoft Edge browser, then click on the Settings option.
  2. Now, select the Reset settings option in the settings menu.
    select the Reset settings
  3. Tap on the Restore settings to their default values option.
    Restore settings to their default values
  4. Click on the Reset button to confirm.
    Click on the Reset button

8. Reinstall Your Browser

If you still get this warning pop-up, uninstall the browser and reinstall it on your PC. Many users have claimed that reinstalling the browser will resolve this issue permanently, so if you are still experiencing the issue, reinstall the browser.

  1. Press the Windows key and search for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, depending on which one you are using.
  2. Right-click on your browser and select the Uninstall option.
    Uninstall chrome
  3. It will take you to the Control Panel. Right-click on the Chrome browser and then click on the Uninstall option.
    the Uninstall option
  4. Click the Uninstall button again to confirm.
  5. Once uninstalled, open another browser and visit the official Chrome website(link).
  6. Lastly, download the Chrome browser and install it on your PC again.

9. Factory Reset Your PC

The last thing you can do to fix this problem is to factory reset your PC. Resetting will properly resolve this Windows Defender Security Alert Scam issue. If you don’t know how to reset your PC, check out our detailed guide, Reset Windows to Default Factory settings, for help.


That’s all for this article. These are the best ways to solve the Windows Defender Security Warning scam issue. All methods have been tested and proven to be effective. We update our article regularly with the latest steps.

So, if you encounter any problems with any method or step, please share them in the comments section, and we will be happy to help.


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