In the name of promoting free speech, Elon Musk has caused a ruckus on Twitter. He revamped the Twitter Blue subscription to let anyone pay to get a verified badge – which triggered a number of impersonation cases, eventually forcing the company to suspend this plan just two days after rolling it out.

Further, Musk has recently reinstated the accounts of Donald Trump, Kanye West, and a few others who were earlier banned by Twitter for their platform violations. And with all these chaotic rulings, most expected that Musk would cross the community limits one day, which may result in Twitter being banned by others.

This could happen by the two large forces – Apple and Google with their respective app stores delisting the app. While none of them have ever talked about this yet, Elon Musk seems to be prepared for any of the unimaginable actions coming from them.

A Tesla Phone if Needed!

In a tweet responding to Liz Wheeler on a potential occasion as above, Musk said, “if there is no other choice, I will make an alternative phone.”

Well, Musk, on repeated occasions, has accused these tech giants of sucking high fees from app developers. And with Tesla having its own chip technology and software stack with games and apps for over a million clients, it’s now wondering if Musk will start a smartphone business.

A potential Tesla phone – previously touted as the “Tesla Pi Phone” has long been rumored but didn’t make it. So if there’s any motivation to trigger Musk to make it a reality, we may soon see one! Well, there are other choices too that Twitter may follow if it’s being ditched by Apple or Google.

Like, even if both companies took a simultaneous decision to delist the Twitter app, the company can still offer it outside the app stores. There are a handful of reliable third-party Android app stores for downloading apk files, and installing them on your phone is so easy.

The same happens with the iOS apps too, but with a slightly complicated installing process. If not, Twitter can set up its own website to offer its latest app or even ask users to access the platform from a browser.


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