WhatsApp is found to be testing new support in the platform – Search Stickers. As per the report from WaBetaInfo, WhatsApp’s new beta version is having a search option for stickers, where they’re categorized into five different reactions. It’s having certain limitations like unsupportive to user-made stickers and disappearing once the tab is switched.

WhatsApp Tests Search Stickers Option

With the advent of stickers, instant messengers have grown more popular than ever. Especially WhatsApp, Facebook-owned platform used by over two billion people has turned more interesting. 

But, this has slowly grown into a mess as we’re adding more and more sticker packs. While we can favorite some of them to send our liked ones, this still consumes time if we have too many favorite stickers.

Thus, WhatsApp is introducing the best way to tackle this by setting a Search Stickers option. It was seen by WaBetaInfo, as the latest submission to the beta program of version has a search feature available at the bottom left of the stickers tab. And when tapped, it categorizes your downloaded sticker packs into five categories as All, Love, Greetings, Happy and Sad.

While this support is helpful to an extent, it’s still limited for now. The feature is under testing and disappears once the latest stickers tab is switched. And you have to close and open the WhatsApp again to see the search icon again. Moreover, it supports only the official or preexisting stickers from WhatsApp, and not the use-made stickers.

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