After introducing Disappearing Messages and New Storage dashboard, WhatsApp is now gearing up new features like Read Later, New Wallpapers, and Muting Video options. All these were reported by WABetaInfo and may soon rollout after the beta testing.
WhatsApp New Features
Though having over two billion users worldwide, WhatsApp is one of the slowest apps for including new features in its platform. This popular instant messenger has earlier introduced Disappearing Messages, Shopping Button for businesses, a new Storage section, new authentication, etc.
While most of them have rolled out to regular users already, some are still in beta. Adding to them, WhatsApp is seen to be testing new features like new wallpapers, video muting option, and a Read Later section. These were spotted by WABetaInfo, and are hinted to come to users soon.
Starting with the Read Later section, this is just the revamping of Archived Chats, which are pushed down to be unseen from the Chats window. Besides renaming, it says the Chats put to Read Later will not be notified even if a new message arrives, thus not bringing up to the main Chats window. Users can also move those chats back to the home screen.
Talking about the video muting option, WhatsApp adds support for muting the video before sending it to other contacts. This can be seen just under the timeline selection of any video before being sent. Further, it has added 29 new Dark wallpapers and 32 new Bright wallpapers.
There’s also a custom wallpaper, Solid Colors, and the ability to apply WhatsApp Doodle on the Solid Colors. Users can set a customized wallpaper for one chart without applying it to all other chats. As a regular warning, these features may or may not be seen in future updates if WhatsApp decides.