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Tag: Malware

Google Chrome Update: Urges Users to Update to its Latest Version

Google Chrome Update: Urges Users to Update to its Latest Version

Google Chrome users need to worry a bit now and update their browsers. Their current version of the browser has bugs that can cause...
Racoon Stealer Malware

Raccoon Malware is the Cheapest Data Stealing Software One Can Buy

Raccoon malware is unsophisticated, yet praised by the most in the dark community. This malware is created simple and is sold in the dark...
LokiBot Malware

LokiBot Malware Stealing Data Under the Name of Epic Games Launcher

LokiBot is a prime tool for info stealers since 2015. Ever since the source code of this malware was leaked, adversaries crafted their own...
Android Spyware Upgraded to Steal all Communications Stealthily

Malware Based Android Cleaner Apps That Can Breach Into Your Phone

Some malicious android applications can ruin your device's security features, and personal access files claim an internet security website. According to Trend Micro, the...
Attackers Exploited BitBucket For Dumping Several Malwares

Attackers Exploited BitBucket For Dumping Several Malware

With changing times, a single-stage attack isn't viable for attackers anymore. They're relying on new techniques that could garner them more results by scooping...
Microsoft To Prevent Crypto Mining Malware in Their Latest Browser

Microsoft To Prevent Crypto Mining Malware in Their Latest Browser

Microsoft is focusing on its Chromium-based browser, which is set to launch soon. The primary agenda is to secure the browser against all sorts...

Winnti Hacking Group Launches Latest Malware Against Hong Kong Universities

Winnti Group has started a new attack on Hong Kong-based University students. Their malware and trojans are regularly surfacing on the country's servers near...
Emotet Malware

Coronavirus Prevention Campaigns Now an Opportunity For Emotet Malware Outbreak

Opportunists are everywhere looking for a small window where they can instill more chaos in an already uncertain world. The situation in the Wuhan...
Android Dangerous Malware 'Xiny' that is Impossible to Remove

Android Dangerous Malware ‘Xiny’ that is Impossible to Remove

Malware is omnipresent. Any device is vulnerable to malware if not properly secured. New research from Dr.Web, an online group of cybersecurity experts reveals...

CARROTBALL Malware: U.S. Govt Agency Hit with New Russian Malware

Fractured Statue, a new campaign that had targeted one of the US government agencies in summer last year. While the campaign followed a regular...