A survey made by Gurugram based research firm revealed that about 79% of WhatsApp users in India are reconsidering using the app, and around 28% have decided to move onto new alternatives like Telegram or Signal. Other numbers reveal that over 50% of messages received on WhatsApp contain phishing links.
Over a Quarter Indians Decide to Leave WhatsApp
WhatsApp’s updated privacy policy has confused everyone. The platform publicly revealed that it’s sharing the user interactions with WhatsApp businesses with Facebook for better services, users understood it in other way and suspected WhatsApp’s integrity in keeping their chats private.
Though the platform announced extending the implementation date by three months, and even offered explanations to everyone asked, the community isn’t satisfied yet. Also, it made it mandatory for users to accept their new terms if they wanted to continue using their service, raising more concerns.
This led many users to shift the chat preferences to close alternatives like Signal and Telegram, both seeing exponential growth over the last month. Now, exact numbers coming from a survey made by CyberMedia Research (CMR), Indian research revealed that over 28% of WhatsApp users are planning to shift to alternatives.
Also, nearly 79% of users are reconsidering using WhatsApp, as 49% of people feel angry over the new changes. Further, 45% voted for not trusting WhatsApp again and 35% felt breach of trust! Over 50% of users on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger get spam messages daily, the survey revealed.
Other numbers include nearly 50% of users surveyed claimed to receive phishing links from unknown numbers, which is less than Telegram’s (28%). Talking about alternatives, over 35% of users preferred moving to Signal and 41% picked Telegram, ditching WhatsApp.
The study covered 1,500 users spread across eight major cities in India, named as Social Safe study based on an extensive primary consumer survey.