Users who often work on domain-connected systems while trying to access computers remotely have continuously reported an error.

The error concerns the Remote System Connection and displays this message (The remote computer requires network-level authentication), as you can see in the picture. However, a few workarounds must help you overcome this issue and accomplish your task.

Steps To Fix โ€œThe remote computer requires network-level authenticationโ€

1. Deleting Default.RDP file

As a starter, letโ€™s start with the easiest way to fix this issue:

  • Firstly, go to My Documents and look for a file named default.rdp. If you find it, then simply delete the file.

This must be your first attempt. If the problem still exists, remove your system from the domain and try adding it back. If the whole process fails, gently proceed to the next method.

2. Disable NLA Through Properties

In order to disable the NLA using System Properties, follow the steps below:

  • Open the Run window by pressing Win key + R. Type sysdm.cpl in the text area and hit the enter key.

Disable NLA Through Properties

  • Now go to the remote tab and uncheck โ€œAllow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network-level authenticationโ€ option.

Disable NLA Through Properties

  • Finally, click on Apply and OK to save changes.

3. Disable NLA using Powershell

Another way of disabling NLA is by using the Powershell. A few command line would perfectly do the job:

  • Press Win key + R and type Powershell in the Run window.
  • Copy-paste the code below very carefully:
  • Press enter button and write the command lines as given below:
(Get-WmiObject -class Win32_TSGeneral Setting -Namespace root\cimv2\terminal services -ComputerName $ComputerName -Filter "TerminalName='RDP-tcp'"). SetUserAuthenticationRequired(0)
  • Hit the Enter key once again to execute the command lines and reboot your computer.

4. Disabling NLA via Registry

Well, the final way of disabling the NLA is through the Registry:

  • Open the run window by pressing the Win key + R on your keyboard and type Regedit in the text area.

Disabling NLA via Registry

  • Go to file in the top left and click on the Connect Network Registry option.

Disabling NLA via Registry

  • Now enter the details in order to connect to the network device.
  • Steer to each of the following paths:
  1. CurrentControlSet
  2. Control
  4. Terminal Server
  5. HKLM
  6. RDP-TCP
  7. WinStations
  • Next, change the values of UserAuthentication and SecurityLayer to 0 and close the editor.
  • Lastly, reboot your computer.

From Editorโ€™s Desk

This is how we can get rid of the Remote Desktop Connection error while trying to work on any domain-controlled system. Hence, if this article has been helpful to you, let us know which method was a real success in your case.


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